This has been a tough week and Snaspshot Sundays is a bit late.

Sometime in 1996 Vikki Johnson became a dear friend and introduced me to another who would also become one of my closest friends over the last 20 years, Suzanne Guss-Baker.   When I left San Diego in 2000 to work for Carnival Cruise Lines, before the days when a blog was an easy (easier) thing to create without knowing code, I began an e-mail newsletter to family and friends titled Denise’s Adventures at Sea.  Suz and I began our own running e-mail we titled D & Suz Chat. We lost this beautiful, irreplaceable woman Saturday morning and as we lost our angle on earth heaven gained one. We are dedicating Snapshot Sundays today to the final D & Suz chat.

If you are a regular you know or if you are new to digging us up Snapshot Sundays is usually fun pet photos from the week. We’ve been collecting a lot lately so please come back to join us again next week.