I’ve been loving and laughing reading my fellow canine Monday Mischief’s posts and finally convinced my hooman mom to let me have a column. She promises, whenever possible, she’ll let me write. I shouldn’t have any trouble getting into mischief. I decided my first column needed to be about bath time, this is my most unfavorite time of…. Well just about any time.

In this picture I’m very worried about what is coming next. My mom uses my grandparent’s bathtub since our house’s bathtub doesn’t have an extension shower hose and are too deep for her to lean over. However, it also makes it pretty obvious what is coming next. I think if I was truly mischievous I’d run and hide under a bed.

In this picture I desperately want out of the bath and this horrible nightmare and my hooman mom is laughing at me!

Please don’t laugh at me I know I look like a drowned rat… At least that is what my mom says…

My uncle Teddy (kinda funny since I’m older than him) is coming to check things out… Hey there Ted, you hate baths more than me and next time I’ll watch yours…

After it’s all said and done the following video is my response to each bath!!

 I still love my mom, but during bath time I’m not so sure I like her… and I’ll never take a bath looking like this guy!!I have to know, am I alone in my hatred of baths?  Please let me know!!

Thanks to Snoopy’s Dog Blog, Alfie’s Blog, and My Brown Newfies for hosting Monday Mischief!