Since I’m home 3 days/week and get into a lot of mischief while their away….
The hoomans decided to give me some “Pet Interactive Toys”.
Check out me learning to use the IQ Treat Ball, it’s how we mischief makers are eating breakfast! 😉
Thanks to Snoopy’s Dog Blog, Alfie’s Blog, and My Brown Newfies for hosting Monday Mischief!
Visit My Brown Newfies to see the other blogs in the hop!
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What a cool new toy Shasta! Kilo also loves his Kong which seems pretty close to your IQ ball. Helps keep him out of mischief too 😉
We mischief makers require higher IQs from our hoomans as well!! ~Shasta 😉
I like to see him actually playing with it, thanks for the video clip. He is persistent so it’s a good toy for him!! Good to share, I wasn’t aware that they had so many activities available for the dogs, this is good for others to see too.
Oh and I have more…. I promise more video and posts of him learning to use them! Plus we got really lucky and now have 3 pet walkers willing to come spend time with him and take him for walks in the afternoon!!
Mr. N has the IQ ball too and it’s one of his favorites.
Another thing we have in common besides looks. ~Shasta 😉
You’re so smart! Rita gets perturbed with me if I bring out the interactive toys. 🙂
I wish we had a Nanny cam to see what happens after we’ve left!!
Looks like you figured it out pretty quickly!
–Wags (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats
You’re a smart dog, Shasta!
I definitely think so!! BOL! 🙂 ~ Shasta