So hooman mom didn’t have time to help me post last week and since this week was busy as well she decided to combine our posts….

Her favorite pic of the week was the Christmas tree at the cabin with more snow (enough for them to ski at Sugar Bowl)

 12.21.14 Snowy Cabin

We leave for Oregon on Christmas Eve so Dad, Mum and I had our Christmas gift opening tonight…. No mischief but I got my 1st Barkbox delivery!!

Checking out the new arrival

Checking out the new arrival

I may not know what is inside but I'm licking my lips in anticipation!!

I may not know what is inside but I’m licking my lips in anticipation!!

 Barkbox 3

Wow, a new squeaky toy!!

Wow, a new squeaky toy!!

Oh, but I smell TREATS!!

Oh, but I smell TREATS!!

So far I’m LOVIN my Christmas gift.  Plus I hear from my hoomans that it’s the gift that keeps on giving….. I’m supposed to get MORE!!  Now the mail will be more than just a walk for me!!  YIPPEE!!

What do you look forward to?

A friend of my hooman sent her this picture and she looks at it daily to cheer up her day until she can come home to dad and me who cheer her up best!!

The pic is from Facebook so we don't know where it came from originally, but are grateful to whoever posted it!!  Please take credit and let us know if it was you....

The pic is from Facebook so we don’t know where it came from originally, but are grateful to whoever posted it!! Please take credit and let us know if it was you….

What makes your day better?

Happy Holidays from Denise’s Dog Dish and Shasta!!

Monday Mischief Pet Blog Hop LogoThanks to Snoopy’s Dog Blog, Alfie’s Blog, and My Brown Newfies for hosting Monday Mischief!

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