by | Dec 21, 2015 | Blog, Dishing Dog Health, Snapshot Sundays
You know you are a dog/pet lover when….. Your legs are tucked up underneath you, they are curled up next to you and….. 1/2 the bed is still available for use!!! BOL (barking out loud)...
by | Dec 14, 2015 | Blog, Dishing Dog Health, Snapshot Sundays
I stayed at Dog Grandpa & Grandma’s house while Dog Mom & Dad went to Oregon I got to hang out with Teddy & Skya while they watched my Dog Cousin Braden play in his high school basketball tournament They beat Lost River High School (near Klamath...
by | Nov 23, 2015 | Blog, Monday Mischief, Shasta's Yorkie Yap, Snapshot Sundays
Another photo from my Dog Mom’s Birthday, celebrating in Paradise She got sick and we spent most of the week in bed Then she went to Women of Faith with a bunch of her girl friends & got to hear amazing speakers like Jen Hatmaker I went hiking to a waterfall...
by | Nov 16, 2015 | Blog, Monday Mischief, Shasta's Yorkie Yap, Snapshot Sundays
In our family we get to celebrate a birthday month. For me and my hooman mum it’s November. Her birthday & my gotcha month My month started with my BarkBox Mum’s birthday month started at Yosemite Then we went to our cabin Then on to Paradise where I...
by | Nov 10, 2015 | Blog, Monday Mischief, Shasta's Yorkie Yap, Snapshot Sundays
We had a fun birthday & gotcha week for my hooman mom and me! I’m at Clouds Rest Doggie Day Care for a few days in the photos above. The Hoomans spent a few days in Yosemite National Park & stayed at the Ahwahnee hotel. Then we all went to our cabin in...
by | Oct 26, 2015 | Blog, Dishing Dog Health, Snapshot Sundays
Learning to place a cast Look where Shasta got to sleep after mum got up!! We met up with great friends including one of our favorite authors Jackie Bouchard above and Vikki below! Watch for our review of Jackie’s great new book “House Trained” just...