by | Dec 14, 2015 | Blog, Dishing Dog Health, Snapshot Sundays
I stayed at Dog Grandpa & Grandma’s house while Dog Mom & Dad went to Oregon I got to hang out with Teddy & Skya while they watched my Dog Cousin Braden play in his high school basketball tournament They beat Lost River High School (near Klamath...
by | Oct 26, 2015 | Blog, Dishing Dog Health, Snapshot Sundays
Learning to place a cast Look where Shasta got to sleep after mum got up!! We met up with great friends including one of our favorite authors Jackie Bouchard above and Vikki below! Watch for our review of Jackie’s great new book “House Trained” just...
by | Oct 19, 2015 | Blog, Denise Gruzensky, Dishing Dog Health, Snapshot Sundays
Central California gets RAIN!! With a STUNNING thunder and lightning storm! Our backyard looks out to Sequoia National Park and our new location has led to a couple of spectacular light shows this last week! Special thanks to our friends at CATastrophies for our...
by | Oct 12, 2015 | Blog, Dishing Dog Health, Snapshot Sundays
Hanging with Teddy for the last almost 3 weeks! I’m really missing him!! ~ Shasta P.S. Hooman Mom’s watermark was up to it’s own mischief. We’re hoping it’s back next week....
by | Sep 25, 2015 | Dishing Dog Health
I am not being compensated for helping spread the word about The GlycoFlex Challenge, though we did decide to join ourselves. Denise’s Dog Dish & Shasta’s Yorkie Yap only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers. Vetri-Science is not responsible for...
by | Aug 24, 2015 | Blog, Denise Gruzensky, Dishing Dog Health, Snapshot Sundays
Denton & Denise-Finishers of the Lake Tahoe Triathlon Denton was the 1st place finisher in his age group! Then we headed off to Squaw Valley’s annual Peaks and Paws which benefits the Truckee ASPCA The whole family really enjoyed the event! Not a lot of...