5 Joys of Adopting a Senior Rescue Dog Who rescued who November 9, 2013? The answer is not abundantly clear. We lost Harley in April, another round of Invitro fertilization was unsuccessful and I turned 40 on November 8. We found Shasta, brought him home and were soon...
How Do We Know When It Is Time To Say Goodbye? Pet Hospice I find it very difficult to write this post. It has not even been 2 months since the question of Compassionate Euthanasia came up in our home. “How do we know when it is time to say...
We have been missing for a while. Though I’m back, because it was time, I am missing a piece of my heart. I didn’t realize, with our graduation post, it would be his last. I’m crying as I write and it feels like the crushing pain and emptiness may...
Therapy Dog Graduate Dog mom has taken her sweet time getting around to helping me with my post. I graduated from Pet Smart and began my pet therapy hospital visits… almost a year ago. That is a whole 7 years in dog time… Uh hum, I am not a happy Shasta. Dog...
Last Sunday we started our road trip to Blog Paws 2017 in Myrtle Beach, SC. Car Rental-Visalia, CA 3 days volunteering at Best Friends Animal SanctuaryBest Friends Animal Sanctuary-Kanab, UT 1 day at The Ark EncounterThe Ark Encounter (a life sized Noah’s Ark...