Rescue Dog Journal

Therapy Dog Student #1

Shasta:  What’s a Journal and why am I getting one

Dog Mom (me):  Well Shasta, a Journal is defined as a record of events and when people have a private journal it is called a diary.

Shasta: So why are you not calling mine a diary?

Dog Mom (me):  Because it is not going to be private.

Shasta:  So everyone will be able to see?

Dog Mom (me):  Yep, so be careful what you say?

Shasta:  But I can write about whatever I want and share pics with my peeps?

Dog Mom (me):  Yep

Shasta:  I’m really excited, even though I know I don’t usually show it, but my big question is ALWAYS…will there be treats?

Dog Mom (me):  I’m sure we can work something out.

Shasta:  Well, ok then.  I’ve been really excited to tell everyone about a new program I’m getting to help start called Caring Paws. Dog Mom was asked to help the Volunteer department at Adventist Medical Center Hanford (Dog Mom and Dad work for Adventist Health) establish a new pet therapy program.

The director (Tanya) had already been researching what I know…and I’m sure my furry (feathered, etc) friends already knew. First, we are very special. Also we bring with us a lot of physical and emotional benefits which happen when hoomans interact with us. She had already started researching this type of program, making something called a budget, and talked to the top dogs (oh I mean hoomans) getting their support. She had also chatted with our friends at #PetSmart (remember how handsome I looked after my  December #grooming at PetSmart). Well, they are going to do all the grooming for the Therapy Dogs since we have to be all spiffy within 24 hours of our visits.  Just in case your forgot how handsome I looked here is a reminder (see more here)….

Shasta's PetSmart Christmas Grooming

I’m just so handsome thanks to #PetSmart

Dog mom and I met with Tanya a few weeks ago and had a very successful meeting (see pictures at the end). Dog mom was able to bring a lot of information with her thanks to her #WIPIN (Women in the Pet Industry) connection to #PetPartners. Pet Partners has been around a long time, though I hear they used to go by a different name. They have an amazing Therapy Pet registration program which includes classes, a test and team evaluation. Dog mom learned a lot and just today passed her Pet Handler Course post test…I guess I’m up next. PetSmart has agreed to help us with our training…so that’ll be our next meeting. You heard me right, I’m going to school furry friends and peeps. Yep, I’m now officially a Pet Therapy Student and plan to tell you all about it…so stay tuned!

Are you or have you been a Pet Therapy Student or been in training classes? I’d love to hear about it. Until next time…~Shasta

Therapy Dog Student #2

I like what you’ve done with this Tanya

Therapy Dog Student #1

I agree Dog Mom, sounds like fun


Today is the Pet Parade Blog Hop and we’re joining the fun!

Special thanks to Rascal and RoccoBionic Basil’s BlogLove is being owned by a Husky & Barking From The Bayou for hosting.

P.S.  It may sound like this was a sponsored post but it wasn’t I just can’t help but mention PetSmart cause they are being so cool helping out.  😉 ~Shasta