Doggie dress up, an ongoing debate. I think I land about neutral though at the beginning that was not the case. I always swore I would never dress up my dog. Then, on a very cold and snowy winters day walk with Harley in Rhode Island, a neighbor came out her front door to yell, “IF YOU ARE WEARING A HAT ON YOUR HEAD, THAT DOG NEEDS A COAT!”. Since Yorkies have hair instead of fur I could see her point and within a week Harley had a jacket (or 2+ if I’m honest). October brings Halloween and that leads owners to the question of doggie costume or no doggie costume. My dogs hate costumes, the proof is in the picture (see Harley below). He looks so sad I can’t bear to leave him in it. Some dogs look adorable and don’t seem to mind at all, they even look happy. What are your thoughts?
Photo from Bark
Taken during the Susan G Koman San Diego 3 day walk for Breast Cancer
He doesn’t have to speak hooman you can read it all over his cute face, “Seriously mom, get me out of this!”.