by | Aug 25, 2014 | Denise Gruzensky, Snapshot Sundays
I decided to post a follow up photo related to pets and hot weather temperatures. I was inspired this last week. One of our nurses noticed a car parked outside our clinic. The temperature outside was in the 90’s, the truck held two small dogs without water,...
by | Aug 19, 2014 | Denise Gruzensky, Snapshot Sundays
I couldn’t resist…. Since we are having huge computer issues and I tried for hours last night to post I thought this REALLY cute pic sums it up, although I would have said...
by | Aug 11, 2014 | Denise Gruzensky
Adopt a Pet with Special Needs!! This is very close to my heart, as evidenced by Harley’s Story. Check out this cool photo! Photo from pals (Pet Adoption League...
by | Aug 4, 2014 | Denise Gruzensky, Snapshot Sundays
It is late in the summer, however, since Paradise is reaching temperature highs of mid 90’s I figured this information is still important. Plus I found this GREAT kid perfect information sheet by Nana Nishigaki at...